Well, I had another wonderful, fun hypnobirthing session with my Hypnobirthing® group today. As this is our second session together, we are now wonderfully relaxed and comfortable with each other and so there is a lot of laughter.
One participant commented on how in-depth and far-ranging the Hypnobirthing® course actually, and this is certainly true.
Today we looked at 'Falling in love with your baby; Pre-birth parenting; Preparing mind and body.' This is a very busy unit where we look at all the different ways parents-to-be can bond with their baby. We also look at the research on how unborn babies are affected by thoughts, emotions and the environment of their parents.
A crucial compenent of this unit is how best the pregnant mother can prepare her body to have the best possible chance of having a calm, gentle birthing experience. This includes diet and exercise. The partners learn specific massage that they will do for their partner during labour.
A new breathing exercise is taught and the one learned previously is reviewed.
And as we are talking about HYPNObirthing® there is of course time for hypnosis and relaxation aimed at gentle birthing.
I LOVE working with these wonderful, pregnant ladies and I equally love working with their partners. It is so good to see these men being attentive, genuinely interested and supportive.
Remember, I have a new group class starting on Saturday, 30th June 2012 at 2.00pm.
There is room for three couples. Please call me on 9739 8787 or
0409 514 878.
I also offer private classes by appointment.
0409 514 878.
I also offer private classes by appointment.
Check out my website for more information.
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