Thursday, 28 June 2012


Well, our 5 x week hypnobirthing course is finished and it was a real joy to work with 'my' wonderful pregnant ladies and their equally wonderful partners. We covered so much ground, logically and seamlessly moving from one topic to the next, gradually bringing the couples closer to that final, joyful act of birthing a brand new baby. 

My list of homework to check up on grew longer and longer from week to week. There are several keys to this course, one of them being the different types of bbreathing that the pregant mum has to learn. So I made sure that they clearly understood what each of the breathing techniques is, how to do them and when to use them. 

Partners had homework as well and I found it very encouraging that 'my' fathers took their work seriously as they all wanted to be supportive and understanding. It is so important that the birthing mother knows that she can rely on her partner so that she can go within to her birthing body and her baby uncluttered by any outside concerns. 

In our last two sessions we focused not only on the lead-in to labour and the birth itself, but also addressed any lingering fears by using specific fear-releasing hypnosis scripts. Everything is geared towards a calm and gentle birth.

One of the fathers told me on the last day that initially he really was not interested in participating as he did not believe that such a course would be any good. He is now so enthusiastic that he can hardly wait for the birthing so that he can put into practice what he has learned. 

'My' pregnant ladies grew so much in self confidence and strength that by the end of the course they had a calm and dignified air about them that would not allow anyone's negativity to upset them. It was such a privilidge and a joy to work with these wonderful people. 

We included their babies in our talks, thus acknowledging their existance and their individuality. I have a very strong feeling that these babies will be born into calm, loving and understanding families. I like that. 


Saturday, 2 June 2012


Well, I had another wonderful, fun hypnobirthing session with my  Hypnobirthing® group today. As this is our second session together, we are now wonderfully relaxed and comfortable with each other and so there is a lot of laughter. 

One participant commented on how in-depth and far-ranging the Hypnobirthing® course actually, and this is certainly true. 

Today we looked at 'Falling in love with your baby; Pre-birth parenting; Preparing mind and body.' This is a very busy unit where we look at all the different ways parents-to-be can bond with their baby. We also look at the research on how unborn babies are affected by thoughts, emotions and the environment of their parents. 

A crucial compenent of this unit is how best the pregnant mother can prepare her body to have the best possible chance of having a calm, gentle birthing experience. This includes diet and exercise. The partners learn specific massage that they will do for their partner during labour. 

A new breathing exercise is taught and the one learned previously is reviewed. 

And as we are talking about HYPNObirthing® there is of course time for hypnosis and relaxation aimed at gentle birthing. 

I LOVE working with these wonderful, pregnant ladies and I equally love working with their partners. It is so good to see these men being attentive, genuinely interested and supportive. 

Please stay tuned for the next instalment!

Remember, I have a new group class starting on Saturday, 30th June 2012 at 2.00pm. 

There is room for three couples. Please call me on 9739 8787 or 
0409 514 878

I also offer  private classes by appointment.

Check out my website  for more information.