Thursday, 28 June 2012


Well, our 5 x week hypnobirthing course is finished and it was a real joy to work with 'my' wonderful pregnant ladies and their equally wonderful partners. We covered so much ground, logically and seamlessly moving from one topic to the next, gradually bringing the couples closer to that final, joyful act of birthing a brand new baby. 

My list of homework to check up on grew longer and longer from week to week. There are several keys to this course, one of them being the different types of bbreathing that the pregant mum has to learn. So I made sure that they clearly understood what each of the breathing techniques is, how to do them and when to use them. 

Partners had homework as well and I found it very encouraging that 'my' fathers took their work seriously as they all wanted to be supportive and understanding. It is so important that the birthing mother knows that she can rely on her partner so that she can go within to her birthing body and her baby uncluttered by any outside concerns. 

In our last two sessions we focused not only on the lead-in to labour and the birth itself, but also addressed any lingering fears by using specific fear-releasing hypnosis scripts. Everything is geared towards a calm and gentle birth.

One of the fathers told me on the last day that initially he really was not interested in participating as he did not believe that such a course would be any good. He is now so enthusiastic that he can hardly wait for the birthing so that he can put into practice what he has learned. 

'My' pregnant ladies grew so much in self confidence and strength that by the end of the course they had a calm and dignified air about them that would not allow anyone's negativity to upset them. It was such a privilidge and a joy to work with these wonderful people. 

We included their babies in our talks, thus acknowledging their existance and their individuality. I have a very strong feeling that these babies will be born into calm, loving and understanding families. I like that. 


Saturday, 2 June 2012


Well, I had another wonderful, fun hypnobirthing session with my  Hypnobirthing® group today. As this is our second session together, we are now wonderfully relaxed and comfortable with each other and so there is a lot of laughter. 

One participant commented on how in-depth and far-ranging the Hypnobirthing® course actually, and this is certainly true. 

Today we looked at 'Falling in love with your baby; Pre-birth parenting; Preparing mind and body.' This is a very busy unit where we look at all the different ways parents-to-be can bond with their baby. We also look at the research on how unborn babies are affected by thoughts, emotions and the environment of their parents. 

A crucial compenent of this unit is how best the pregnant mother can prepare her body to have the best possible chance of having a calm, gentle birthing experience. This includes diet and exercise. The partners learn specific massage that they will do for their partner during labour. 

A new breathing exercise is taught and the one learned previously is reviewed. 

And as we are talking about HYPNObirthing® there is of course time for hypnosis and relaxation aimed at gentle birthing. 

I LOVE working with these wonderful, pregnant ladies and I equally love working with their partners. It is so good to see these men being attentive, genuinely interested and supportive. 

Please stay tuned for the next instalment!

Remember, I have a new group class starting on Saturday, 30th June 2012 at 2.00pm. 

There is room for three couples. Please call me on 9739 8787 or 
0409 514 878

I also offer  private classes by appointment.

Check out my website  for more information.

Monday, 28 May 2012


A new group hypnobirthing course will commence on Saturday 30th June at 2.00 pm at my centre in Boronia. 

The course is for between 26 - 30 weeks in your pregnancy.   So if that date suits you, please call me on 9739 8787 or 0409 514 878 to make your booking.

Please book early as there is room for only three (3) couples. 

However, if enough couples wish for an evening course, I can arrange the evening and the time to suit.

If you wish for a private course  for you and your birthing companion, I will be happy to arrange that for you.

I look forward to helping you, your baby and your birthing companion have a gentle, calm birthing experience.

My current hypnobirthing courses are proving to be so rewarding and so much fun. My pregnant ladies are doing really well and with each succeeding class they feel more and more confident that they will have the calm and gentle birth they so much want for themselves and their precious baby. 

One pregnant mum was not at all sure at the beginning of the first class but by a little over half-way through that first session, she felt much happier and had gained in confidence. The support from the rest of the participants helped enormously.

The DVD of the hypnobirths that I show at each session are truly remarkable. It is so good to see these wonderful women clearly in a state of self-hypnosis, breathing gently with each surge as they have been taught, and when the baby is ready, breathing the baby down and......suddenly the baby is born. No fuss, no drama - just a peaceful, joyous birth. 


Wednesday, 9 May 2012



Call me NOW on 9739 8787 or 0409 514 878 to book your place

I will be conducting a 5 x week Hypnobirthing® course commencing on Saturday 26th May 2012 at 2.00 pm in my centre in Boronia.

If you are between 26 - 30 weeks in your pregnancy, this is a wonderful opportunity to learn how to birth your baby using self-hypnosis teqchniques to reduce the fear-pain-syndrome so that your birthing body can follow its natural rhythm.

The course is for you and your birthing companion who will learn how to support you through the birthing of your baby. 

You will receive Marie Mongan's book Hypnobirthing®, The Mongan Method, its companion CD, instruction in self-hypnosis techniques, in-class hypnosis to help you release any negativity and fears you may have in respect to giving birth. 

Research is showing more and more that the baby is aware of its mother's feelings, emotional state and thoughts whilst still in the womb. The in-class hypnosis will help you and your baby to align emotionally and lovingly so that you can have confidence in each other as you prepare for the miracle of childbirth. 

It would be a shame if you missed out. 

CALL ME NOW ON 9739 8787 OR 0409 514 878 AND BOOK YOUR PLACE

For more information on this  course, please check out my website 

Monday, 7 May 2012


Did you know that a pregnant mother should not drink any alcohol during the first trimester because during this period all the vital organs are formed in the foetus?

In addition, drinking alcohol during the first trimester can cause miscarriage and stress. 

Smoking can cause premature babies AND - it can cause anxiety in later childhood.

If a pregnant mother is overweight, she is in danger of high blood pressure, gestational diabetes, and a fatty, sugary diet has a negative impact on the foetus. 

Exercise during pregnancy is very important to get the body used to the work it will have to do during the birthing process.

I heard on the 774 radio channel this morning (8th May 2012)  that at the Lester University in the UK, research is being conducted on the efficacy of curcumin in the fight against bowel and colon cancer. So far they have been getting quite extraordinary and exciting results. Check out the ABC 774 site on the internet for a full report on the latest research on curcumin.

Wednesday, 11 April 2012


As my mother has been diagnosed with diabetes and we were talking about this with a friend, the friend mentioned cinnamon as being a very good aid in dealing with this condition. 

This seemed rather odd to me and of course went straight to the internet. To my surprise I discovered a lot of information on exactly this subject. 
The encouraging think about this is that a great deal of research has been done on cinnamon and its usefullness in healing deal with diabetes. 

Not only does cinnamon add a wonderful taste to so many of our recipes, it also adds to our health.


A couple of weeks ago at  my fruit & vetable shop I noticed this rather unusual fruit/vegetable I had never seen before. Being a rather curious type I naturally had to ask what it was & what to do with it. The explanation was a little difficult to follow and so I did what we all do these days, went to the internet of course. I found an amazing amount of very interesting information on yam beans! Not least of which how incredibly healthy it is. 

Also very interesting was how much research has been done on this incredibly healthy food. It is jam-packed with vitamins and minerals and I gained the impression that this is a food that perhaps we should all regularly add to our diet for general health and well-being. 
The yam bean can be eating raw or cooked, it can be eaten as a fruit or included in savoury dishes. I peeled and cut it and discovered that the flesh is white and raw tastes a cross between perhaps a potatoe and a pear. This may not sound all that appealing at first but I assure you, it is very tasty. Certainly, I thought so. 

I will now have to experiment by using it as a vegetable in main meals. There are a lot of sites on the internet for recipes as well as information on its healthful properties. Just google 'yam bean' and a large number of sites will come up.


I would love to hear what you think of this fruit/vegetable. So please add a comment and also share this information around.

Sunday, 1 April 2012


I came across this gem the other day via a forum I am on, NICABM, and followed it up on Google. 

it would appear that curcumin from Tumeric has amazing health properties. Curcumin has been extensively scientifically researched and is now available in capsule form. If you are not into taking supplements, then adding Tumeric to your cooking would be a good way to go. 

Tumeric is a wonderful, deep yellow/orange spice that is added to curry and has been used by the Indians in their cooking for thousands of years. I have been using Tumeric in cooking for years and add it to soups, stews and and any other dishes that seem appropriate. It adds a wonderful flavour to sauces as well. 

One of the gifts I like to give my clients who see me for weight reduction, is to give them permission to enjoy food again. When we can incorporate such a wonderful spice as Tumeric into our cooking, it both increases taste and at the same time is good for our health. What could be more wonderful than that? 

Check out this website on curcumin.


Thursday, 29 March 2012

I am starting a new Hypnobirthing® course on Saturday 26th May at 2.00 pm at my centre. 

The address is Suite 8, 13-15 Chandler Road Boronia and the phone number is -

                9739 8787 or 0409 514 878.

The course is for women from their 26th week of pregnancy and their birthing companion. 

It comprises 5 x 2 - 2½ hour sessions.

Number of couples is limited so get in early to secure your place. 

However,  if you would prefer a private course, and/or you are shortly at the 26th week of pregancy and would therefore like to do the course earlier, that can be arranged. 

Perhaps you have some friends who are also pregnant and you might like to organise a Hypnobirthing® group to do the course with. Whatever your needs, I will do my best to accommodate you and your birthing companion. 

Please look at my website for further information - 


I recently received a story from the Hypnobirthing® Institute about a mother in England who had done the Hypnobirthing® course. 

Her surges had started and she was on her way to the hospital with her husband. She settled in to await the birth of her new baby and then received news that their other child was in another hospital having sustained an injury. The mother and her husband left the labour ward to visit their child and stayed with him as long as was necessary and then returned to the other hospital to finally await the birth of this baby. 

The remarkable aspect of this story is that the mother stayed absolutely calm throughout this drama and the eventual birth was calm, gentle and with a minimum of discomfort. 

She is certain that the Hypnobirthing® techniques she and her husband had learned helped her to maintain an inner serenity and balance throughout this very difficult time and was thus able to provide a loving and peaceful birthing for herself and her baby.

Please visit and check out the 'Labour, Birth & Hypnotherapy®' page for further information on the Hypnobirthing® Course. 

Or call Elke on 9739 8787, 0409 514 878

I recently came across this information as part of research done on the effects of fast food on toddlers. Effects are:

tooth decay, iron deficiency, ricketts, future heart disease, can slow growth

Given that we live in an affluent society where quality fresh food is readily available, we owe it to our children to ensure that we provide them with the best food we can afford to ensure their good health for the future. 

Did you know that when children are presented with new food it takes about 16 presentations to get them to like it and become familiar with it?


Sunday, 8 January 2012


Did you know that there are 4,200 in EVERY cigarette? Yes, you read that correctly. There are 4,200 chemicals in every cigarette. At 20 cigarettes a day, a person has 4 x times as much carbon monoxide in their lungs as a non-smoker.

In additon, smoking whilst pregnant causes 4 x more premature babies than non-smoking mothers. Smoking also tends to cause stunted growth in babies.

So for the love and care of your baby, it is clearly best if you do not smoke whilst pregnant. In fact, quit smoking altogether!

The above information is taken from a program on Pregant Mothers shown on the ABC2 during the 1st week in January 2012.

To book your hypnosis QUIT SMOKING session, call 9739 8787 or 0409 514 878

Thursday, 5 January 2012


Welcome to the Peacehaven Hypnotherapy Blog. Please watch this space as unlike our website,  -

our blog will regularly have updated points of interest and the latest news or research we have heard or read about on a range of subjects that  is relevant to Peacehaven Hypnotherapy and the work we do with our clients.

You are invited to follow the blogs and learn more about hypnosis, weight reduction, eating disorders, quit smoking, anxiety, trauma - just to name a few of the issues and problems people face.

You are invited to comment and interact with this blog. I welcome your input.
I also welcome your call and the opportunity to work with you and assist you in resolving any problems you may have.

Peacehaven Hypnotherapy is a warm, welcoming and safe place to be when you are hurting, anxious, depressed, needing support, finally quitting smoking, shedding those unwanted extra kilos or you wish to learn the techniques for having a calm and gentle birth for your baby.
Call me on 0409 514 878 for further information;  also look up my websites  


Monday – Friday
From 10.00 am and the last session commences at 7.00 pm.

From 10.00 am with the last session commencing at 5.00 pm.

Suite 8, 13-15 Chandler Road, BORONIA


Cash or Debit or Credit Card (Eftpos facilities)

Tuesday, 3 January 2012


ABC2 at 9.30pm Wednesday 4th January 2012, will be showing a program on a new generation of toddlers being raised on junk food.

For those parents who are struggeling with keeping their children a healthy weight, establishing a healthy eating regime and a positive and healthy attitude to food, this program will no doubt be worth watching.

About The Program

(Taken from the ABC site)

Our junk food addiction is dropping alarmingly down the age ladder. We're now rearing a generation of fast food babies. This arresting documentary reveals babies and toddlers eating a diet of chips, burgers and kebabs all washed down with bottles of fizzy cola.

This program explores the deep-seated reasons why parents resort to junk food feeding and follows three families as they desperately try and get back on the right nutritional track. From gentle food play to dramatic shocks, the parents team up with real experts who mentor them through the latest techniques as they try to wean their children off fast food.



On the Melbourne ABC 774 radio station this morning (4/1/2012) on the AM program, it was revealed that research has shown that going 'cold turkey' was more effective than the medical models such as patches, medication etc.

Professor Simon Chapman of the Macquarie University said that most people when asked how they quit smoking, said that they went 'cold turkey' after having had several 'frivolous attempts to get around to it.'


This being the case, it becomes clear why HYPNOSIS to QUIT SMOKING has such an excellent success rate. Once a person has definitely decided to quit smoking, hypnosis augments and strengthens that resolve at the deep, unconscious level. The unconscious mind accepts these new instrunctions from the conscious mind and acts accordingly - ensuring the the person behaves as a NON-SMOKER for good.

Using HYPNOSIS to QUIT SMOKING is like going 'cold turkey' but pleasantly and with the assurance that the unconscious mind has been supported at that deep level to ensure PERMANENT SUCCESS.

So make sure that THIS year you will keep your New Year Resolution to become a NON-SMOKER for good.

Call me at Peacehaven Hypnotherapy on 9739 8787 or 0409 514 878.

Go ahead, make that booking for a Hypnosis Quit Smoking Session and be FREE of that smoking burden once and for all.

Check our website for more information.