Monday, 28 May 2012


A new group hypnobirthing course will commence on Saturday 30th June at 2.00 pm at my centre in Boronia. 

The course is for between 26 - 30 weeks in your pregnancy.   So if that date suits you, please call me on 9739 8787 or 0409 514 878 to make your booking.

Please book early as there is room for only three (3) couples. 

However, if enough couples wish for an evening course, I can arrange the evening and the time to suit.

If you wish for a private course  for you and your birthing companion, I will be happy to arrange that for you.

I look forward to helping you, your baby and your birthing companion have a gentle, calm birthing experience.

My current hypnobirthing courses are proving to be so rewarding and so much fun. My pregnant ladies are doing really well and with each succeeding class they feel more and more confident that they will have the calm and gentle birth they so much want for themselves and their precious baby. 

One pregnant mum was not at all sure at the beginning of the first class but by a little over half-way through that first session, she felt much happier and had gained in confidence. The support from the rest of the participants helped enormously.

The DVD of the hypnobirths that I show at each session are truly remarkable. It is so good to see these wonderful women clearly in a state of self-hypnosis, breathing gently with each surge as they have been taught, and when the baby is ready, breathing the baby down and......suddenly the baby is born. No fuss, no drama - just a peaceful, joyous birth. 


Wednesday, 9 May 2012



Call me NOW on 9739 8787 or 0409 514 878 to book your place

I will be conducting a 5 x week Hypnobirthing® course commencing on Saturday 26th May 2012 at 2.00 pm in my centre in Boronia.

If you are between 26 - 30 weeks in your pregnancy, this is a wonderful opportunity to learn how to birth your baby using self-hypnosis teqchniques to reduce the fear-pain-syndrome so that your birthing body can follow its natural rhythm.

The course is for you and your birthing companion who will learn how to support you through the birthing of your baby. 

You will receive Marie Mongan's book Hypnobirthing®, The Mongan Method, its companion CD, instruction in self-hypnosis techniques, in-class hypnosis to help you release any negativity and fears you may have in respect to giving birth. 

Research is showing more and more that the baby is aware of its mother's feelings, emotional state and thoughts whilst still in the womb. The in-class hypnosis will help you and your baby to align emotionally and lovingly so that you can have confidence in each other as you prepare for the miracle of childbirth. 

It would be a shame if you missed out. 

CALL ME NOW ON 9739 8787 OR 0409 514 878 AND BOOK YOUR PLACE

For more information on this  course, please check out my website 

Monday, 7 May 2012


Did you know that a pregnant mother should not drink any alcohol during the first trimester because during this period all the vital organs are formed in the foetus?

In addition, drinking alcohol during the first trimester can cause miscarriage and stress. 

Smoking can cause premature babies AND - it can cause anxiety in later childhood.

If a pregnant mother is overweight, she is in danger of high blood pressure, gestational diabetes, and a fatty, sugary diet has a negative impact on the foetus. 

Exercise during pregnancy is very important to get the body used to the work it will have to do during the birthing process.

I heard on the 774 radio channel this morning (8th May 2012)  that at the Lester University in the UK, research is being conducted on the efficacy of curcumin in the fight against bowel and colon cancer. So far they have been getting quite extraordinary and exciting results. Check out the ABC 774 site on the internet for a full report on the latest research on curcumin.