I came across this gem the other day via a forum I am on, NICABM, and followed it up on Google.

it would appear that curcumin from Tumeric has amazing health properties. Curcumin has been extensively scientifically researched and is now available in capsule form. If you are not into taking supplements, then adding Tumeric to your cooking would be a good way to go.
Tumeric is a wonderful, deep yellow/orange spice that is added to curry and has been used by the Indians in their cooking for thousands of years. I have been using Tumeric in cooking for years and add it to soups, stews and and any other dishes that seem appropriate. It adds a wonderful flavour to sauces as well.
One of the gifts I like to give my clients who see me for weight reduction, is to give them permission to enjoy food again. When we can incorporate such a wonderful spice as Tumeric into our cooking, it both increases taste and at the same time is good for our health. What could be more wonderful than that?
Check out this website on curcumin. http://www.turmeric-curcumin.com/