Sunday, 8 January 2012


Did you know that there are 4,200 in EVERY cigarette? Yes, you read that correctly. There are 4,200 chemicals in every cigarette. At 20 cigarettes a day, a person has 4 x times as much carbon monoxide in their lungs as a non-smoker.

In additon, smoking whilst pregnant causes 4 x more premature babies than non-smoking mothers. Smoking also tends to cause stunted growth in babies.

So for the love and care of your baby, it is clearly best if you do not smoke whilst pregnant. In fact, quit smoking altogether!

The above information is taken from a program on Pregant Mothers shown on the ABC2 during the 1st week in January 2012.

To book your hypnosis QUIT SMOKING session, call 9739 8787 or 0409 514 878

Thursday, 5 January 2012


Welcome to the Peacehaven Hypnotherapy Blog. Please watch this space as unlike our website,  -

our blog will regularly have updated points of interest and the latest news or research we have heard or read about on a range of subjects that  is relevant to Peacehaven Hypnotherapy and the work we do with our clients.

You are invited to follow the blogs and learn more about hypnosis, weight reduction, eating disorders, quit smoking, anxiety, trauma - just to name a few of the issues and problems people face.

You are invited to comment and interact with this blog. I welcome your input.
I also welcome your call and the opportunity to work with you and assist you in resolving any problems you may have.

Peacehaven Hypnotherapy is a warm, welcoming and safe place to be when you are hurting, anxious, depressed, needing support, finally quitting smoking, shedding those unwanted extra kilos or you wish to learn the techniques for having a calm and gentle birth for your baby.
Call me on 0409 514 878 for further information;  also look up my websites  


Monday – Friday
From 10.00 am and the last session commences at 7.00 pm.

From 10.00 am with the last session commencing at 5.00 pm.

Suite 8, 13-15 Chandler Road, BORONIA


Cash or Debit or Credit Card (Eftpos facilities)

Tuesday, 3 January 2012


ABC2 at 9.30pm Wednesday 4th January 2012, will be showing a program on a new generation of toddlers being raised on junk food.

For those parents who are struggeling with keeping their children a healthy weight, establishing a healthy eating regime and a positive and healthy attitude to food, this program will no doubt be worth watching.

About The Program

(Taken from the ABC site)

Our junk food addiction is dropping alarmingly down the age ladder. We're now rearing a generation of fast food babies. This arresting documentary reveals babies and toddlers eating a diet of chips, burgers and kebabs all washed down with bottles of fizzy cola.

This program explores the deep-seated reasons why parents resort to junk food feeding and follows three families as they desperately try and get back on the right nutritional track. From gentle food play to dramatic shocks, the parents team up with real experts who mentor them through the latest techniques as they try to wean their children off fast food.



On the Melbourne ABC 774 radio station this morning (4/1/2012) on the AM program, it was revealed that research has shown that going 'cold turkey' was more effective than the medical models such as patches, medication etc.

Professor Simon Chapman of the Macquarie University said that most people when asked how they quit smoking, said that they went 'cold turkey' after having had several 'frivolous attempts to get around to it.'


This being the case, it becomes clear why HYPNOSIS to QUIT SMOKING has such an excellent success rate. Once a person has definitely decided to quit smoking, hypnosis augments and strengthens that resolve at the deep, unconscious level. The unconscious mind accepts these new instrunctions from the conscious mind and acts accordingly - ensuring the the person behaves as a NON-SMOKER for good.

Using HYPNOSIS to QUIT SMOKING is like going 'cold turkey' but pleasantly and with the assurance that the unconscious mind has been supported at that deep level to ensure PERMANENT SUCCESS.

So make sure that THIS year you will keep your New Year Resolution to become a NON-SMOKER for good.

Call me at Peacehaven Hypnotherapy on 9739 8787 or 0409 514 878.

Go ahead, make that booking for a Hypnosis Quit Smoking Session and be FREE of that smoking burden once and for all.

Check our website for more information.